Corporation - Description - 2018-03-04 06:02:32 - Live Ticker



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 Lippstadt Creed (LLPCO) is a nullsec corporation and a member of the 3000+ member Solyaris Chtonium (SLYCE), a well-established sov-holding alliance with a rich culture and history. SLYCE itself is part of the larger Guardians of the Galaxy (GotG) coalition. We're a laid-back group which dabbles in many aspects of nullsec life including fleet PvP, PvE, mining, exploration and industry. Lippstadt Creed (LLPCO) is a nullsec corporation and a member of the 3000+ member Solyaris Chtonium (SLYCE), a well-established sov-holding alliance with a rich culture and history. SLYCE itself is part of the larger Guardians of the Galaxy (GotG) coalition. We're a laid-back group which dabbles in many aspects of nullsec life including fleet PvP, PvE, mining, exploration and industry.
 We offer: We offer:
 - A low-stress corp to play and grow with - A low-stress corp to play and grow with
 - Numerous anomalies for ratting, mining and exploration - Numerous anomalies for ratting, mining and exploration
 - Alliance- and coalition-level comms - Alliance- and coalition-level comms
 - Excellent planets for PI - Excellent planets for PI
 - Low tax rate for PvE (5%) - Low tax rate for PvE (5%)
 - Access to numerous alliance and coalition services including daily fleets and experienced FCs - Access to numerous alliance and coalition services including daily fleets and experienced FCs
 We ask for: We ask for:
 - People who are interested in nullsec life - People who are interested in nullsec life
 - Participation in system defense PvP fleets to help defend our home - Participation in system defense PvP fleets to help defend our home
 - Maturity and a good sense of humour :) - Maturity and a good sense of humour :)
-Recruitment is CLOSED +Recruitment is OPEN
 || Contact one of our illustrious recruiters today! || || Contact one of our illustrious recruiters today! ||
 nakedbulldog (Head recruiter) nakedbulldog (Head recruiter)
 Brandubh MacAlasdair (CEO and Head diplomat) Brandubh MacAlasdair (CEO and Head diplomat)
 Jarvis Cipher (Gerbil keeper) Jarvis Cipher (Gerbil keeper)
 Jackson Creed  Jackson Creed
 Lest we forget. Lest we forget.

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Resources 2018-03-04 06:02:32 Corporation Description
Alliance Solyaris Chtonium Member 4770
Corporation Lippstadt Creed Member 62
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