Corporation - Description - 2018-03-21 09:15:23 - Live Ticker



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-Cyta Corp is a Corporate Monarchy, currently ruled by Valentina Moonwinder.  
-Cyta Corp, formerly the Cyta Kingdom, was an Imperial surrogate for the Amarr Empire. They were once a small civilization of Knights and Miners, until they were asked to ascend and their leaders to become Capsuleers. After taking to the stars, they had to adopt a nomadic civilzation, living out of capital ship only known as CYTA Command. Since they have slowly prospered, they have made strong relations with Miners and Industrymen of New Eden, eventually Forging a powerful Industrial Corporation, backing everything from fuel to Capital Construction. 
-As their eldest King got older, he decided to lay down his crown. Granting it to his once-slave Wife, This caused much dispute over his decision, but the Queen has rejoiced and opened a new age of prosperity for the thousands of citizens of Cyta Corp. The King remains active as her royal bodyguard and Counsel, helping her gain her reins for the Corporate Monarchy. 
-Standard Jurisdiction of Cyta Corp: 
-- We will always have a flat 2.2% Tax Rate. Even in our future Strongholds. 
-- We offer inspiration to miners, giving them the strength to shatter asteroids. (Orca Fleets) 
-- We will guard and protect our brethren, as if they were our own blood.  
-In non-RP terms, we are a casual Hisec Corp. We do mining, PVE, industry, with the occasional Low-Sec Roam. We are friendly to recruiting casuals, newbies, and vets alike. Just be mature is all we ask!+Heck

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Resources 2018-03-21 09:15:23 Corporation Description
Corporation Cyta Corp Member 6
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