Corporation - Description - 2018-04-08 15:56:01 - Live Ticker



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-Hand of the King. A high/null-sec corporation that dabbles in mining/pve/pvp. +Hand of the King. A null-sec corporation that dabbles in mining/pve/pvp.
-Hand of the King was a previous Hi-sec mining corp who originated in pashanai. We are now operating in high and null-sec and are seeking miners, ratter and gankers. We specialize in buying of ores, building of random shit, ganking random people and all that good stuff. +Hand of the King was a previous Hi-sec mining corp who originated in pashanai. We are now operating in null-sec and are seeking miners, ratter and gankers. We specialize in buying of ores, building of random shit, ganking random people and all that good stuff.
-If you want to fly with us or make a deal contact CEO Sophie Mcgalien Hoeeg or Diplomat Ythia Benuse. +If you want to fly with us or make a deal contact CEO Ythia Benuse.

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Resources 2018-04-08 15:56:01 Corporation Description
Alliance SLYCE Pirates Member 982
Corporation Hand of The King Member 19
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