Corporation - Description - 2018-04-29 06:01:31 - Live Ticker



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 Cynosural Edge is the industrial powerhouse of Providence, and a proud member of Curatores Veritatis Alliance . We follow the NRDS ruleset. Cynosural Edge is the industrial powerhouse of Providence, and a proud member of Curatores Veritatis Alliance . We follow the NRDS ruleset.
-To place your orders, please join “cygne indus orders” mailing list. 
 Our expanding and diverse activities have led us to open recruitment. Our expanding and diverse activities have led us to open recruitment.
 We offer: We offer:
 -Top notch industrial infrastructure. Citadels with 0% tax -Top notch industrial infrastructure. Citadels with 0% tax
 -Mining fleets with boosts. -Mining fleets with boosts.
 -A backlog of several weeks. Gain ISK by building corporate orders. -A backlog of several weeks. Gain ISK by building corporate orders.
 -One of the strongest buyback programs in New Eden. We buy everything, we pay instantly. -One of the strongest buyback programs in New Eden. We buy everything, we pay instantly.
 -Logistics and transport services. -Logistics and transport services.
--PvP opportunities in null-sec and in low-sec faction warfare. Amarr Victor. +-PvP opportunities in low-sec and in high-sec
 -SRP powered by CVA. -SRP powered by CVA.
 -Management which follows RL standards.  -Management which follows RL standards.
 We are looking for industrial and combat pilots who: We are looking for industrial and combat pilots who:
 -Build T2 mods and ships. -Build T2 mods and ships.
 -Mine. -Mine.
 -Do planetary interaction. -Do planetary interaction.
 -Fly logistics. -Fly logistics.
 -Like big fleet null-sec warfare. -Like big fleet null-sec warfare.
 -Like solo / small gang PvP. -Like solo / small gang PvP.
 -Are interested in FW. -Are interested in FW.
 -Are interested in FCing. -Are interested in FCing.
 Plus: Plus:
 -No drama. We want mature people. -No drama. We want mature people.
 -A basic understanding of English. -A basic understanding of English.
 -Willingness to help the corporation to achieve its goals. -Willingness to help the corporation to achieve its goals.
 -Interested in learning basic PvP. -Interested in learning basic PvP.
 -Want to have fun. -Want to have fun.
 Join “Cyno Field” public channel to have a chat. Join “Cyno Field” public channel to have a chat.
 Recruitment: Lucas Corn Recruitment: Lucas Corn

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Resources 2018-04-29 06:01:31 Corporation Description
Alliance Curatores Veritatis Alliance Member 697
Corporation Cynosural Edge Member 51
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