Corporation - Description - 2018-11-26 20:42:43 - Live Ticker



Old New
-A new, small corp that is primarly focused on:+Whether you are a new or experienced pilot, Alpha or Omega status, independent or team based; we are always looking for new friendly members.
-We accept both new and experienced players. Alpha and Omega status. As long as you are a friendly pilot towards our corp and allies!+Our primary focus areas:
-We try and help new players find what they would like to do in the new eden universe. 
 +PVE Ratting/Mission,
 +Our Corp offers mining boosts to miners in high sec near our HQ!
-We also try and give the experienced players a place to relax and do what they are specialized in with friendly corp members to pass the time or fleet up with!+We are located in high and low sec at the moment; however, we plan on moving to a wormhole space once the time is right!

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Resources 2018-11-26 20:42:43 Corporation Description
Corporation Paramidium Member 3
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