Corporation - Description - 2019-02-15 20:39:24 - Live Ticker



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 Passion, Proficiency, Power, Pride. Passion, Proficiency, Power, Pride.
 With passionate members we foster an atmosphere that expects and respects proficiency no matter the sp of a player.  With passionate members we foster an atmosphere that expects and respects proficiency no matter the sp of a player.
 Eve is a game of great leaps. No matter what you fly, from frigates to caps, there is a great leap between having the skills to fly a ship and BEING skilled in flying the ship.  Eve is a game of great leaps. No matter what you fly, from frigates to caps, there is a great leap between having the skills to fly a ship and BEING skilled in flying the ship.
 We are here to help you make that leap. And when we are ready we will find a home in null.  We are here to help you make that leap. And when we are ready we will find a home in null.
 From there you will be baptized in the blood and isk of rats and the fires of gate camps into something powerful.  From there you will be baptized in the blood and isk of rats and the fires of gate camps into something powerful.
 And with that power comes a deserved sense of pride.  And with that power comes a deserved sense of pride.
-Don’t believe everything you hear. Question what you are told is the truth and find your own path. Whatever it is, we will help light the way. This is what it is to be a heretic. +Don’t believe everything you hear. Question what you are told is the truth and find your own path. Whatever it is, we will help light the way. This is what it is to be a heretic.
 Recruiting is OPEN. Recruiting is OPEN.
 Theoretical Heresy - Come click shit with us!!  Theoretical Heresy - Come click shit with us!!

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Resources 2019-02-15 20:39:24 Corporation Description
Alliance Stellae Renascitur Member 1505
Corporation Theoretical Heresy Member 9
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