Corporation - Description - 2019-02-16 20:25:14 - Live Ticker



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 Mean while at the legion of doom. Mean while at the legion of doom.
 our anthem  our anthem
 We drink and we pillage and we do what we please We drink and we pillage and we do what we please
 We get all that we want for free We get all that we want for free
-We’ll kick your ass +We’ll kick your ass
 And rape your lass And rape your lass
 Somalian pirates we Somalian pirates we
 So with a yo ho ho So with a yo ho ho
 And with a yee hee hee And with a yee hee hee
 We take to the eve sea We take to the eve sea
-We’ll brave the squalls +We’ll brave the squalls
 And bust your balls And bust your balls
 space pirates we space pirates we
 We left our homes and we left our mothers We left our homes and we left our mothers
 To go on a pillaging spree To go on a pillaging spree
-We’ll cut off your ears +We’ll cut off your ears
 And break your toes And break your toes
 And make you drink our pee And make you drink our pee
 And if you sail into our waters And if you sail into our waters
 You best hear this decree You best hear this decree
-We’ll take your boat +We’ll take your boat
 Set your ass afloat Set your ass afloat
 space pirates we space pirates we
 With a yo ho ho (yo ho ho) With a yo ho ho (yo ho ho)
 And a tricky lah-tee do (tricky lah-tee do) And a tricky lah-tee do (tricky lah-tee do)
-We’ll shoot you in the face with glee +We’ll shoot you in the face with glee
-Then we’ll cut off your cock +Then we’ll cut off your cock
 And feed it to a croc And feed it to a croc
 space pirates we space pirates we
 we live at the fringes of the void and the darkest corners of your mind thats makes you doubt each step and fills you with fear as you walk the cold dark void alone. We call these shadows ours home we thrive where most would wither and die we strike quickly and with a great vengeance unto the unsuspecting so fear every shadow every darkend alley and never venture into the void alone we live at the fringes of the void and the darkest corners of your mind thats makes you doubt each step and fills you with fear as you walk the cold dark void alone. We call these shadows ours home we thrive where most would wither and die we strike quickly and with a great vengeance unto the unsuspecting so fear every shadow every darkend alley and never venture into the void alone

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