Corporation - Description - 2019-02-26 08:12:21 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Solar Vista is a friendly Industrial PvE Corporation based in Domain Hi Sec, 4 jumps from Amarr. Solar Vista is a friendly Industrial PvE Corporation based in Domain Hi Sec, 4 jumps from Amarr.
 Corp Motto - Corp Motto -
 V I S T A V I S T A
 Industry Industry
 Science Science
 Trade Trade
 Allegiant Allegiant
 We welcome both new and old players to join our friendly family! Come grow with us. We welcome both new and old players to join our friendly family! Come grow with us.
 What we provide:- What we provide:-
-✔ Weekly Mining Operations +? Weekly Mining Operations
-✔ Manufacturing +? Manufacturing
-✔ Research and Invention +? Research and Invention
-✔ Competitive Ore Buy Back Scheme (Jita -7.5%) +? Competitive Ore Buy Back Scheme (Jita -7.5%)
-✔ New player friendly environment - Learn about the game in a fun environment. +? New player friendly environment - Learn about the game in a fun environment.
-✔ WH activity in a C1 and C3 +? WH activity in a C1 and C3
-✔ Low Sec POS for ice mining +? Low Sec POS for ice mining
 What we require:- What we require:-
-• Mature and sensible players who are fairly active with a friendly personaility. + Mature and sensible players who are fairly active with a friendly personaility.
-• Be loyal towards the corporation and its members. + Be loyal towards the corporation and its members.
-• Ability to follow simple rules. + Ability to follow simple rules.
-• Full API required for ALL applications (security checks). - Here + Full API required for ALL applications (security checks). - Here
 If you are interested in joining Solar Vista, please contact our recruiter(s); If you are interested in joining Solar Vista, please contact our recruiter(s);
 EU Time Zone EU Time Zone
-• Eternal Shadow + Eternal Shadow
 US Time Zone US Time Zone
-• Dhonk + Dhonk
 or join VISTA-PUB for more information. or join VISTA-PUB for more information.

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Resources 2019-02-26 08:12:21 Corporation Description
Alliance Umbrella Corporations Alliance Member 0
Corporation Solar Vista. Member 0
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API J:21 Mar 00:41 K:21 Mar 00:36 C:21 Mar 01:15 A:21 Mar 01:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 01:05 S:21 Mar 00:41 W:21 Mar 01:15