Corporation - Description - 2019-06-21 20:37:28 - Live Ticker



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-â–º PrimárnÄ› CZ/SK+? Primárn? CZ/SK
 "From our eyes, the only thing different between most carebears and so-called "elite PvPers" "From our eyes, the only thing different between most carebears and so-called "elite PvPers"
  is the fact that the carebears we recruit at least know how bad they are." R.L.  is the fact that the carebears we recruit at least know how bad they are." R.L.
-â–º Další info na Quafe +? Další info na Quafe
 "If you know what do you want to DO let us know!" "If you know what do you want to DO let us know!"
-â–º WAR = FW or NS / WH actions. +? WAR = FW or NS / WH actions.

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