Corporation - Description - 2010-05-30 14:21:25 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Mission Running isn't our only specialty, Mission Runners is a Corp that combines the idea of Missions and Mining all into one. Under two branches, these ideas will be listed: Mission Running and Combat will be listed under Military Branch. Mining and Manufacturing will be listed under Industry branch. We welcome not only all New and Vet. players, but also experienced players that fall under the above listed branches. This corp, due to the high risk of alts, will not recruit anyone, unless they reach the set benchmark of experience and background. That will be determined by the corp. Applications will be reviewed up to 72 hours before acceptance or denial. This corp also operates a POS in high security area, primarily for manufacturing. Mission Running isn't our only specialty, Mission Runners is a Corp that combines the idea of Missions and Mining all into one. Under two branches, these ideas will be listed: Mission Running and Combat will be listed under Military Branch. Mining and Manufacturing will be listed under Industry branch. We welcome not only all New and Vet. players, but also experienced players that fall under the above listed branches. This corp, due to the high risk of alts, will not recruit anyone, unless they reach the set benchmark of experience and background. That will be determined by the corp. Applications will be reviewed up to 72 hours before acceptance or denial. This corp also operates a POS in high security area, primarily for manufacturing.
 +**************NO TRIAL ACCOUNTS***************

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Resources 2010-05-30 14:21:25 Corporation Description
Alliance Mission Runners Alliance Member 0
Corporation Mission Runners Member 0
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