Corporation - Description - 2019-10-12 21:22:47 - Live Ticker



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 Elite mining corp! Elite mining corp!
 If you are up for a good laugh, wanna do some smalltalk or just smack the hell out of our asses cause we just killed your new carebearmobile, feel free to join our public channel 107SK Public. If you are up for a good laugh, wanna do some smalltalk or just smack the hell out of our asses cause we just killed your new carebearmobile, feel free to join our public channel 107SK Public.
 If you encounter us, please don't hesitate to shoot us ... we would and will do the same! If you encounter us, please don't hesitate to shoot us ... we would and will do the same!
 Contacts: Contacts:
 real CEO: Hepps  real CEO: Hepps
-Diplomatics -> Justitia McKingston, Inoculator +Diplomatics -> Inoculator
 Dust-Division -> not the fuck! Dust-Division -> not the fuck!
 Other not(e)worthy people: - Arithron (speaks English) Other not(e)worthy people: - Arithron (speaks English)

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Resources 2019-10-12 21:22:47 Corporation Description
Alliance We're all going to die. Member 49
Corporation 107th Suicide Kings Member 24
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