Corporation - Description - 2010-06-11 06:18:14 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Want To Buy Minerial Supplies 
-Batch 1 
-trit = 102,700,00 
-pyr = 12,700,000 
-mex = 4,687,000 
-nox = 196,200 
-iso = 669,800 
-zyd = 30,600 
-meg = 10,300 
-Batch 2 
-trit = 94,600,000 
-pyer = 12,600,000 
-mex = 4,615,000 
-iso = 677,200 
-nox = 199,600 
-zyd = 31,100 
-meg = 11,100 
-Batch 3 
-trit = 92,800,000 
-pyer = 12,600,000 
-mex = 4,681,000 
-iso = 695,000 
-noc = 205,900 
-zyd = 32,100 
-meg = 11,600 
-Batch 4 
-trit = 92,200,000 
-pyer = 12,600,000 
-mex = 4,652,000 
-iso = 690,000 
-noc = 203,900 
-zyd = 31,500 
-meg = 11,600 
 Want To Buy Cap Parts Want To Buy Cap Parts
 Batch 1 Batch 1
 Armor Plates = 13 Armor Plates = 13
 Cargo Bay = 97 Cargo Bay = 97
 Construction Parts = 47 Construction Parts = 47
 Propulsion Engine = 10 Propulsion Engine = 10
 Batch 2 Batch 2
 Armor Plates = 14 Armor Plates = 14
 Cargo Bay = 82 Cargo Bay = 82
 Construction Parts = 51 Construction Parts = 51
 Propulsion Engine = 15 Propulsion Engine = 15
 Batch 3 Batch 3
 Armor Plates = 15 Armor Plates = 15
 Cargo Bay = 77 Cargo Bay = 77
 Construction Parts = 49 Construction Parts = 49
 Propulsion Engine = 21 Propulsion Engine = 21
 Batch 4 Batch 4
 Armor Plates = 12 Armor Plates = 12
 Cargo Bay = 77 Cargo Bay = 77
 Construction Parts = 45 Construction Parts = 45
 Propulsion Engine = 26 Propulsion Engine = 26
 contact for price contact for price

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Resources 2010-06-11 06:18:14 Corporation Description
Alliance Sonic Kitties Preservation Society Member 0
Corporation MidWest Capital Ship Productions Member 0
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