Corporation - Description - 2020-02-07 21:55:31 - Live Ticker



Old New
 NRDS Compliant (Not Red Dont Shoot) NRDS Compliant (Not Red Dont Shoot)
 Industrial Pursuits KOS Status Industrial Pursuits KOS Status
-Helping to build a better galaxy, for everyone. 
-Supporting NRDS space and located in Providence and Domain. We have currently been evicted from Providence but we anticipate that we will fight our way back.+Making isk is all we do! Experts in industry, research, planetary production, station trading, hauling, analysis, app development and all other commercial endeavors. We have moons to mine, but mining isn't our focus. Supporting NRDS space and primarily located in Providence region.
- Active in manufacturing, planetary interaction, market trading, station trading, hauling. Limited mining at this point, because it doesn't pay well. 
-7: Discord web/app comms for desktop and mobile devices to keep in touch with each other and our friends/guests both inside and outside New Eden +Discord web/app comms for desktop and mobile devices to keep in touch with each other and our friends/guests both inside and outside New Eden.
-Feel free to evemail or start a conversation with Pi Prophet through any of our many in or out of game communication options for information, products, and/or services at any time. 
 Z-I-P Public (In-Game Channel) Z-I-P Public (In-Game Channel)
 Z-I-P Discord (Out-Game Comms) Z-I-P Discord (Out-Game Comms)
 Proud Organizers of: Proud Organizers of:
 FC-3YI Upgrade Project FC-3YI Upgrade Project
 Industrial Pursuits Corp Requirements: Industrial Pursuits Corp Requirements:
 Basic English Language Skills Basic English Language Skills
 NRDS Compliant NRDS Compliant
-Full API 
-Any time zone. CEO is Eastern Standard Time, but there are players active during the day. 

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Resources 2020-02-07 21:55:31 Corporation Description
Alliance Ashes of Exploration Member 0
Corporation Industrial Pursuits Member 7
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API J:28 Mar 00:50 K:28 Mar 00:55 C:28 Mar 01:29 A:28 Mar 01:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Mar 01:28 S:28 Mar 00:51 W:28 Mar 01:15