Corporation - Description - 2010-06-21 06:19:27 - Live Ticker



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-Twin Paradox is a small but experienced corporation. 
-90% of our time is spent inside wormholes. If we aren’t there then we are in High sec mining low ends to build large scary ships to defend our home and mount offensive deployments 
-Our goal for Twin Paradox is to amass enough riches to live comfortably and have fun. We have a very strict NBSI policy when inside wormholes. When outside we relax a bit and generally don’t shoot anything. 
-We offer friendly and relaxed atmosphere, we have fun and that’s it period. If we aren’t having fun then we do something else. 
-What we offer: 
-Research slots, free to use. 
-PVP ops 
-Mining ops 
-Mission ops (mostly lvl 4, but we have access to lvl 5 if you really wanna do them) 
 +We kill sleepers
 +We kill people
-Various free resources like skillbooks and ships (we help our own)+We kill people killing sleepers
-Exploration (Wormholes, plexes, etc.) 
-Invitation to this Corp is based on merit, not on skill points. 
 +We kill people killing people killing sleepers
 If you need something from us join "TwinParadox Super Public Chan" If you need something from us join "TwinParadox Super Public Chan"
 "If only Vels could see us now" - Damark "If only Vels could see us now" - Damark

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Resources 2010-06-21 06:19:27 Corporation Description
Alliance Nabaal Syndicate Member 26
Corporation Twin Paradox Member 6
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