Corporation - Description - 2010-06-22 22:22:44 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +The balance of Judgment are proud to announce that they are now accepting players NEW and old to Eve to help mentor them along on their chosen career paths. We don't push people around and we're a relaxed bunch.
 +we are looking for both new and experienced players who are into either industry, mining, mission running and planetary development.
 +So if you are new to EvE and in need help, or a veteran of this great game who likes to help others who wants to be part of a growing corp with a positive enviroment, we may have a seat for you.
-Enter a description of your corporation here+
 +For more information, join the channel X.O.X (Click Open Channel Window in your chat window Type X.O.X in Channel Name and click Join).

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Resources 2010-06-22 22:22:44 Corporation Description
Alliance Matari Visionary Coalition Member 0
Corporation Balance of Judgment Member 1
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