Corporation - Description - 2010-06-25 06:07:59 - Live Ticker



Old New
-"From the ashes, They will rise again" +"From the ashes, We have Risen"
 The FWI welcomes Pilots of all professions  The FWI welcomes Pilots of all professions
 "Threshold Republic Alliance's vision is to provide stable territory for our family, free from pirates and imposing Alliances seeking to control all of 0.0." "Threshold Republic Alliance's vision is to provide stable territory for our family, free from pirates and imposing Alliances seeking to control all of 0.0."
 Under the management of: Under the management of:
-Acting CEO: Lance Fighter 
-Co-CEO: Sheikhah Rayna +Acting CEO: Sheikhah Rayna
 Miitary-Advisor: Ikki Phoenix Miitary-Advisor: Ikki Phoenix
-Guy that does stuff: Baazorg +Founder: Baazorg
 Provides: Provides:
 * WormHole Space Exploration * WormHole Space Exploration
 * PvP ops * PvP ops
 * Mission ops * Mission ops
 * Economic and industrial Support * Economic and industrial Support
 Training Is Provided. Training Is Provided.
 Join our chat-channel: FWI-PUB Join our chat-channel: FWI-PUB
 Forum : Forum :
 Concord is just support. Concord is just support.
 Best Regards, The FWI Management Best Regards, The FWI Management

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Resources 2010-06-25 06:07:59 Corporation Description
Alliance Threshold Republic Member 0
Corporation Flying While Intoxicated Member 5
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