Corporation - Description - 2010-06-28 22:13:11 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Just a manufacturing, research, and industrial corp. 
-New or old players are welcomed to join.  
-Will help new players learn how to effectively mine manufacture and research as well as PVE missioning.+Currently in the Process of ReOrganizing internal structures,
-Casual Corporation with that is based on friends. We are mostly a Industrial corporation but we also do lvl 4 missions and exploration (and every so often a little PVP). No mandatory ops (although participating in corp ops will earn you brownie points towards access to more things). We have a Corp Ventrilo Server so we can all chat with each other and easily comunicate with each other.  
-Our Corporation Ops include: 
-Ore Mining and Ice Mining (with Orca support) 
-Mission running parties 
-Wormhole Ops 
-We also do low and mid lvl invention, Manufacturing, and Reasearch+Not accepting applications unless it was by invite.
-We do have a 10% Tax to help pay for POS fuel so our members can have private storage, manufacturing, and reasearching slots to use 

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Resources 2010-06-28 22:13:11 Corporation Description
Corporation J2DG Industries Member 0
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