Corporation - Description - 2010-07-03 06:26:09 - Live Ticker



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 The BlackHill Gang - "Fortuna Favit Fortubus" The BlackHill Gang - "Fortuna Favit Fortubus"
-We are the reconnaisance & light skirmish element of Cha0s Theory. We only accept those pilots of Khanid origin, that can fly atleast a tech II frigate, and have the means, and know-how, to stay self sufficient for extended periods in enemy territories. 
-Ships that we are looking for: 
-Stealth Bombers (any) 
-Interceptors (any) 
-Covert Ops (any) 
-Assault Frigates (Wolfs/Jaguars in particular) 
-Electronic Warfare Frigates (Kitsuns in particular) 
-& Vagabonds 
-If you come to seek out glory or riches, this is not the company for you. If you want big fleet fights with lots of battleships and carriers, this is not the company for you. If you came to spend long hours, alone, staring off into the dark abyss, searching for that which has been purposely hidden, then we have a place for you. Understand, while we have the shittiest job there is, without us, there is no victory. 

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