Corporation - Description - 2020-04-01 21:21:45 - Live Ticker



Old New
-? low/null sec corp  
-? new player friendly  
-? discord  
 +A small, growing group with the goal of having fun! At Baldmir's, we know real life always come first!
 +Mostly relaxed and not too "pro", we tend to go about our business, doing stuff we like.
 +? pve - making isk through ratting, missions and wormhole diving
 +? pvp - mostly gate camps and small fleet roams
 +? indy - making stuff for the 0.0 markets
 +? discord - optional but encouraged for pvp
 +? low tax - most of the isk we make as corp comes from sales anyways
 +? null space - limited to a system, however need numbers to move up
 +? wh space - once we find a hole, we exploit it, in and out with pockets full :)
 +? old
 +? EU/AU tz
 +? able to use pathfinder
-? pve/indy+abc ores +? able to use discord
-? wh diving  
-? based in Curse/Derelik 
-? NRDS in Providence 
 +If you are interested, please apply.
 +DIPLO CHANNEL: Local Chat only!!!
 supported languages supported languages
 ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????????
-???????????? ???????????? and a bit of english +???????????? ????????????
 ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????????

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Resources 2020-04-01 21:21:45 Corporation Description
Corporation BaldMir Distributions Member 0
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