Corporation - Description - 2020-04-12 08:15:04 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Through the fire of war and the blood of treason, we found our path and forged a family.+Recruitment: Invite Only
 +Small gang PVP. Feathering, salt mining and Fleet ops.
 +Moons, Indy and Ratting
 +Diplo: fat man132 jordan
 +Secondary Contact: Overseer Biron
 +Come chat for Recruitment
 +Discord Link:
 +Enemy Of Man PUB. Better ^^^^^^
 +"Through the fire of war and the blood of treason, we found our path and forged a family."
-In memory or NUI. Thank you Iysh and Theseous +In memory of NUI. ? Thank you Iysh, Sin and Theseous ?
 +Any attempts to collude, weezle out of a contract against you, attempt to set up EOM, pay off a contract*, or hire us when we are already on a contract agains you is not tollerated and you will be taken for a ride. Expect the worst.
 +*To pay off a contract you must pay double what the original contract was, so long as the Client has aproved said clause

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Resources 2020-04-12 08:15:04 Corporation Description
Alliance The Skeleton Crew Member 71
Corporation Enemy of Man Member 60
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