Corporation - Description - 2020-04-15 20:25:46 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We are a PVP & INDY Corporation We are a PVP & INDY Corporation
 Were Recruiting:  Were Recruiting:
-• Miners & Manufactures + Miners & Manufactures
-• We are new Player Friendly if u impress us. + We are new Player Friendly if u impress us.
 Some things we offer to members: Some things we offer to members:
-• Exposure to PVP and Tear Manufacturing + Exposure to PVP and Tear Manufacturing
-• Prime nullsec space for bearing (Comming Soon) + Prime nullsec space for bearing (Comming Soon)
-• Ship Reimbursement Program + Ship Reimbursement Program
-• Capital, Blops and conventional fleets + Capital, Blops and conventional fleets
-• CAPITAL Ship Production + CAPITAL Ship Production
 What we ask of you: What we ask of you:
-• Involvement in corp and alliance ops (where possible) + Involvement in corp and alliance ops (where possible)
-• Don't be a shitbird + Don't be a shitbird
 Requirements: Requirements:
-• Minimum of 5 million skill points or there abouts + Minimum of 5 million skill points or there abouts
-• Able to use TeamsSpeak and have a working mic + Able to use TeamsSpeak and have a working mic
-• Full API available for application process + Full API available for application process
-• Willingness to learn + Willingness to learn
 For more information join our public channel:  For more information join our public channel:
 D-SA Recruitment D-SA Recruitment
 Check our forum here:  Check our forum here:
 Contacts: Contacts:
-• Andres989 + Andres989
-• Drake Newtype + Drake Newtype
-• Lugor + Lugor

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Resources 2020-04-15 20:25:46 Corporation Description
Corporation Dead Space Alpha. Member 1
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
API J:27 Mar 19:50 K:27 Mar 19:55 C:27 Mar 20:27 A:27 Mar 20:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 20:28 S:27 Mar 19:51 W:27 Mar 20:06