Corporation - Description - 2010-07-13 06:23:33 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We are a PVP corp for active players only. Newer players who want to break into pvp are accepted provided you meet our minimum requirements.  We are a PVP corp for active players only. Newer players who want to break into pvp are accepted provided you meet our minimum requirements.
 -5 Mil SP Minimum. -5 Mil SP Minimum.
 -PVP / Combat focused on your main toon. -PVP / Combat focused on your main toon.
 -You play at least twice per week. -You play at least twice per week.
 -Limited API Key. -Limited API Key.
 -Name of your recruiter. -Name of your recruiter.
 Indy alts are permitted provided you are active. Inactive players are either booted or you can join our alt Corp until you are able to commit.  Indy alts are permitted provided you are active. Inactive players are either booted or you can join our alt Corp until you are able to commit.
 For Recruitment, contact Flier1285 or Capprica. For Recruitment, contact Flier1285 or Capprica.
 +Recruitment Channel: Invictus Public

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Resources 2010-07-13 06:23:33 Corporation Description
Alliance Blood Alliance Member 3
Corporation Invictus Mortalis Member 5
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API J:27 Mar 01:50 K:27 Mar 01:55 C:27 Mar 02:04 A:27 Mar 02:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 01:58 S:27 Mar 01:51 W:27 Mar 01:15