Corporation - Description - 2020-04-22 22:05:34 - Live Ticker



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 Cynosural Edge is the industrial powerhouse of Providence, and a proud member of Curatores Veritatis Alliance . We follow the NRDS ruleset. Cynosural Edge is the industrial powerhouse of Providence, and a proud member of Curatores Veritatis Alliance . We follow the NRDS ruleset.
 Our expanding and diverse activities have led us to open recruitment. Our expanding and diverse activities have led us to open recruitment.
 We offer: We offer:
 -Top notch industrial infrastructure. Citadels with 0% tax -Top notch industrial infrastructure. Citadels with 0% tax
 -Mining fleets with boosts. -Mining fleets with boosts.
 -A backlog of several weeks. Gain ISK by building corporate orders. -A backlog of several weeks. Gain ISK by building corporate orders.
 -One of the strongest buyback programs in New Eden. We buy everything, we pay instantly. -One of the strongest buyback programs in New Eden. We buy everything, we pay instantly.
 -Logistics and transport services. -Logistics and transport services.
 -PvP opportunities in low-sec and in high-sec  -PvP opportunities in low-sec and in high-sec
 -SRP powered by CVA. -SRP powered by CVA.
 -Management which follows RL standards.  -Management which follows RL standards.
 We are looking for industrial and combat pilots who: We are looking for industrial and combat pilots who:
 -Build T2 mods and ships. -Build T2 mods and ships.
 -Mine. -Mine.
 -Do planetary interaction. -Do planetary interaction.
 -Fly logistics. -Fly logistics.
 -Like big fleet null-sec warfare. -Like big fleet null-sec warfare.
 -Like solo / small gang PvP. -Like solo / small gang PvP.
 -Are interested in FW. -Are interested in FW.
 -Are interested in FCing. -Are interested in FCing.
 Plus: Plus:
 -No drama. We want mature people. -No drama. We want mature people.
 -A basic understanding of English. -A basic understanding of English.
 -Willingness to help the corporation to achieve its goals. -Willingness to help the corporation to achieve its goals.
 -Interested in learning basic PvP. -Interested in learning basic PvP.
 -Want to have fun. -Want to have fun.
-Join “Cyno Field” public channel to have a chat. +Join “Cyno Field” public channel to have a chat.
 +Docking right to our citadel mail Dundes
 Recruitment: Lucas Corn Recruitment: Lucas Corn

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Resources 2020-04-22 22:05:34 Corporation Description
Alliance Curatores Veritatis Alliance Member 697
Corporation Cynosural Edge Member 51
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