Corporation - Description - 2010-07-14 22:26:31 - Live Ticker



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 We're choosers of the slain who descend on the battlefield in the darkness of space and choose those who will ascend and join other dead as einherjar in valhalla. you should feel privileged to die at our hands. We're choosers of the slain who descend on the battlefield in the darkness of space and choose those who will ascend and join other dead as einherjar in valhalla. you should feel privileged to die at our hands.
 we're trying to get a new alliance off the ground as a joint venture between several other corporations so if you're interested in signing your corp or just join to become a Valkyrie we're trying to get a new alliance off the ground as a joint venture between several other corporations so if you're interested in signing your corp or just join to become a Valkyrie
 Please note that fools will be logic cannoned in the face Please note that fools will be logic cannoned in the face
 +CEO: King Riochard
 +Director: Witchdoctor24
 +Director: Delregia
 +Recruiter: Mina O'Bane
 +The Valkyries of Bosiu are a new corp with a plan to become a very successful corporation in EVE.
 +We are always on the lookout for Mission Runners & other proffesions that are loyal members, ready to work in teams and looking for a long term home.
 +Employment Requirements:
 +* low SP minimum, 500k
 +* Have to be older than 14 days.
-join the channel sov diplomacy or convo Mina O'Bane Witchdoctor24 or myself+* Have to be a team player, or atleast a friendly person
 +* Willing to learn
 +* Age is of no concern to us, maturity is.
 +* Limited API Key may be required

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Resources 2010-07-14 22:26:31 Corporation Description
Alliance Celestial Shadows Member 0
Corporation Valkyries of Bosiu Member 1
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