Corporation - Description - 2010-07-17 14:18:46 - Live Ticker



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-Crypsus is an ambitious corporation currently operating in Amarr high and low sec. We seek to foster a sense of camaraderie and purpose amongst our members. We look for that same sense of purpose in our members, the purpose that will carry the name of Crypsus across the vast expanse of New Eden.+Crypsus is an ambitious corp that currently supports operations in Empire, Low Sec and Null Sec regions.
 +Loyalty and Dedication to one another is our primary mission. We seek to foster a sense of camaraderie and purpose amongst our members, using the trust and loyalty earned by our brethren to ensure that the name of Crypsus is carried across the vast expanse of New Eden!
 +We are a Multi Race Corp that operates NRDS.
 +For Recruitment or Diplomacy information please contact one of the following:
-Elnaur Gonthalion †Admiral +Elnaur Gonthalion - Admiral
-Yokashi Hiroamato †Vice Admiral +Yokashi Hiroamato - Rear Admiral
-Kenta Aichi – Vice Admiral 
 +CosDashit Palpatine - Rear Admiral

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Resources 2010-07-17 14:18:46 Corporation Description
Alliance Einherjar Alliance Member 31
Corporation Crypsus Member 2
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