Corporation - Description - 2010-07-20 22:25:21 - Live Ticker



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 A paramillitary corporation, the Knights Of Macedon specialize in warfare. Sold to the highest bidder, we will fight alongside our contractor in any war or conflict. We also specialize in the procurement of raw materials, the production of weapons and ships and any other aspect of EVE that we infiltrate. We also provide a security contingement for miners and other individuals who wish protection. A paramillitary corporation, the Knights Of Macedon specialize in warfare. Sold to the highest bidder, we will fight alongside our contractor in any war or conflict. We also specialize in the procurement of raw materials, the production of weapons and ships and any other aspect of EVE that we infiltrate. We also provide a security contingement for miners and other individuals who wish protection.
 **Accepting Applications From New Players** **Accepting Applications From New Players**
 **Accepting Trial Accounts On A Case-To-Case Basis** **Accepting Trial Accounts On A Case-To-Case Basis**
 +Currently Looking For: Experienced PVP pilots, Experienced Miners and Experienced
 rome deathsword rome deathsword
 Sne2 Sne2

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Resources 2010-07-20 22:25:21 Corporation Description
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