Corporation - Description - 2010-07-21 22:24:43 - Live Ticker



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 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' Last updated these Details on: 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' Last updated these Details on:
--2010.07.19 GMT(0) Greenwich Time 05:00 +-2010.07.20 GMT(0) Greenwich Time 05:00
 Introduction: The following Details represent the views held by 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' and it's current CEO any questions or comments are to be submitted too: Introduction: The following Details represent the views held by 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' and it's current CEO any questions or comments are to be submitted too:
 -Andrew Lod (Eve-mail) -Andrew Lod (Eve-mail)
 The Focus of 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' is to mine, produce, and loan common and rare items in eve universe. The mining, manufacturing, and loan trades gives 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' a chance to compete in this universe as a Mining, Manufacturing, and loan-oritented corporation. 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' wishes to offer this region with the best prices and deals on ores, manufactured items, and loans in order to further our profits and the interests of its members. The Focus of 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' is to mine, produce, and loan common and rare items in eve universe. The mining, manufacturing, and loan trades gives 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' a chance to compete in this universe as a Mining, Manufacturing, and loan-oritented corporation. 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' wishes to offer this region with the best prices and deals on ores, manufactured items, and loans in order to further our profits and the interests of its members.
 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' is responsible for the mining, manufacturing, loaning and selling of ores, ships, and equiptment in order to make revenue that allow its members to best seek their own private and public interests. The following departments within the corporation will help us reach these goals. 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' is responsible for the mining, manufacturing, loaning and selling of ores, ships, and equiptment in order to make revenue that allow its members to best seek their own private and public interests. The following departments within the corporation will help us reach these goals.
 -Mining -Mining
 -refining -refining
 -Manufacturing -Manufacturing
 -logistics -logistics
 -Planet Interaction -Planet Interaction
 -Security -Security
 Frequently scheduled mining operations within the mining department provide 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' with the materials needed to Manufacture our products. This Corporation obtains the ore from our Mining Department and it, in turn is given to the Refining department to obtain the most minerals from them possible. In turn these minerals are given to the Manufacturing department to make a variety of ships and equiptment. The corporation provides resources and a percentage from the sales of these products are returned to all of the departments. Frequently scheduled mining operations within the mining department provide 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' with the materials needed to Manufacture our products. This Corporation obtains the ore from our Mining Department and it, in turn is given to the Refining department to obtain the most minerals from them possible. In turn these minerals are given to the Manufacturing department to make a variety of ships and equiptment. The corporation provides resources and a percentage from the sales of these products are returned to all of the departments.
 The logistics department is responsible for the distribution and selling of our products through the region. They work closely with the Security department to ensure our products arrive at locations safely and our loans are repaid promptly. Once our products are sold, The logistics department is responsible for the distribution and selling of our products through the region. They work closely with the Security department to ensure our products arrive at locations safely and our loans are repaid promptly. Once our products are sold,
 Ships, equiptment, corporate warehouses, and loan programs are available to members in who perform well or are in good standing with us. Remaining Profits from our corporation is invested into various 'special' projects covered later in this business plan. Ships, equiptment, corporate warehouses, and loan programs are available to members in who perform well or are in good standing with us. Remaining Profits from our corporation is invested into various 'special' projects covered later in this business plan.
 Mining Division of 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' Mining Division of 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans'
 Leader: Andrew Lod Leader: Andrew Lod
 Responsibilities of Minng Division:  Responsibilities of Minng Division:
 The Mining Division is responsible for bringing in Ore and minerals for all of the Corporation’s manufacturing needs. This allows the corporation to attain its manufacturing needs. Mining ops. happen frequently throughout the week and a full schedule can be found by asking the CEO to send it to you. It is not uncommon for members of the Mining Division to be members of other departments – this is true of most of the divisions in 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' The Mining Division is responsible for bringing in Ore and minerals for all of the Corporation’s manufacturing needs. This allows the corporation to attain its manufacturing needs. Mining ops. happen frequently throughout the week and a full schedule can be found by asking the CEO to send it to you. It is not uncommon for members of the Mining Division to be members of other departments – this is true of most of the divisions in 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans'
 Leadership Structure: Andrew Lod, until further notice. Leadership Structure: Andrew Lod, until further notice.
 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' Taxation Plan 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans' Taxation Plan
 Taxation comes two ways at 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans'. The first is a standard 5% tax on members. This accounts for a varying degree of income, The second flavor is known as W2 or Work Weekend. Every weekend a month is declared W2 and the weekend starting on Friday at Midnight to Sunday at Midnight, the tax is increased to 75%. Several various mining operations are run on this weekend, for all of the divisions and while not mandatory, members are strongly encouraged to participate in these operations. Taxation comes two ways at 'Crescent Moon Production and Loans'. The first is a standard 5% tax on members. This accounts for a varying degree of income, The second flavor is known as W2 or Work Weekend. Every weekend a month is declared W2 and the weekend starting on Friday at Midnight to Sunday at Midnight, the tax is increased to 75%. Several various mining operations are run on this weekend, for all of the divisions and while not mandatory, members are strongly encouraged to participate in these operations.

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