Corporation - Description - 2020-05-19 09:06:53 - Live Ticker



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 Scorp3 Corp is an aspiring corporation with sights on being prosperous in manufacturing and trade. Our main goal, however, is to  Scorp3 Corp is an aspiring corporation with sights on being prosperous in manufacturing and trade. Our main goal, however, is to
 have fun, and make friends. We want to grow economically, and make as many friends as we can along the way, because the  have fun, and make friends. We want to grow economically, and make as many friends as we can along the way, because the
 journey itself is not as important as the people you share it with. Corporate benefits include financial help with ships, modules,  journey itself is not as important as the people you share it with. Corporate benefits include financial help with ships, modules,
 and a one million ISK sign-on bonus upon acceptance to the corporation. Anyone who joins also has access to a library of  and a one million ISK sign-on bonus upon acceptance to the corporation. Anyone who joins also has access to a library of
-information among Scorp3 Corp’s helpful members. +information among Scorp3 Corp’s helpful members.
 Join today! Apply at: Join today! Apply at:
-Poinen V - Moon 26 †Internal Security Assembly Plant +Poinen V - Moon 26 Internal Security Assembly Plant
 Come Share the Journey with us! Come Share the Journey with us!

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Resources 2020-05-19 09:06:53 Corporation Description
Corporation scorp3 Corp Member 4
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API J:28 Feb 00:36 K:28 Feb 00:32 C:28 Feb 00:01 A:28 Feb 01:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Feb 01:03 S:28 Feb 00:33 W:28 Feb 01:15