Corporation - Description - 2010-07-27 06:16:57 - Live Ticker



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 Living the Dream Inc.  Living the Dream Inc.
 +We accept all time zones
-We are an industrial corp with mining, exploration, missioners, in High, & low sec systems +We are an industrial corp with mining, exploration, missioners, in High, & low sec systems. (formerly 0.0 and shoukd have access to this in the future also.)
 We welcome all non trial account players that wish to begin learning the game. Min. Skill points are 2 million, and we are actively recruiting all players at this time. We welcome all non trial account players that wish to begin learning the game. Min. Skill points are 2 million, and we are actively recruiting all players at this time.
-Currently we have rorquals ,orcas, hulks ,mackinaws. covetors and retrievers. + We have all industrial ships needed for a complete operation from 0.0/low sec or high sec.
 Place an application we will give further details promptly. Place an application we will give further details promptly.
 Mature players only please ( meaning players that are here to have fun but know when it’s time to listen and show respect. ) Mature players only please ( meaning players that are here to have fun but know when it’s time to listen and show respect. )
 +Team Speak 3 for Comms encouraged for ops and great for social game play.
-Team Speak for Comms +- pos access in low sec
 +Note: Limited Api Check will be required prior to joining.
-Contact Raven Thorax, Cor65vus, Eugene Gallente further details and recruit info. +Contact Raven Thorax, Eugene Gallente further details and recruit info.
 Diplo Ranchester Diplo Ranchester
 + or contact the CEO

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Resources 2010-07-27 06:16:57 Corporation Description
Corporation LIVING THE DREAM INC. Member 6
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