Corporation - Description - 2020-06-17 20:00:16 - Live Ticker



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 Ersatz and 4-Flush is a community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of all known strains of Kyonoke. Ersatz and 4-Flush is a community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of all known strains of Kyonoke.
-Our mandate is to enhance the quality of life for the survivors of Postouvin, Oijanen, Muttokon and Efu. +Our mandate is to enhance the quality of life for survivors of Postouvin, Oijanen, Muttokon and Efu.
 Donations of large amounts of pharmaceuticals is always welcome. Donations of large amounts of pharmaceuticals is always welcome.
-Mandated to follow the Rules of Providence, we maintain a NRDS policy in all Amarrian regions. 
-Remember that injecting and training Customs Code Expertise benefits you more than us! +Remember that injecting and training Customs Code Expertise benefits you more than anybody!
 Contact Minmatar Citizen 90003421 for any grievances. Contact Minmatar Citizen 90003421 for any grievances.
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Resources 2020-06-17 20:00:16 Corporation Description
Corporation Ersatz and 4-Flush Member 227
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