Corporation - Description - 2010-08-04 22:19:16 - Live Ticker



Old New
 The Colonial Defense Agency was formed in 09.06.111YC in the hope of progressing a more solid exploration force. After claiming control over several wormhole systems CDA grew strong. In recent times however, CDA leadership has had a switch in heart and has began a rigid recruitment scheme in hope of getting a higher member count to present a formitable size in hopes of moving into Outlaw Space.  The Colonial Defense Agency was formed in 09.06.111YC in the hope of progressing a more solid exploration force. After claiming control over several wormhole systems CDA grew strong. In recent times however, CDA leadership has had a switch in heart and has began a rigid recruitment scheme in hope of getting a higher member count to present a formitable size in hopes of moving into Outlaw Space.
 CDA has now established a new operation named Impact in which we are trying to recruit enough members to gain access to an alliance. CDA has now established a new operation named Impact in which we are trying to recruit enough members to gain access to an alliance.
 Current Operations: Current Operations:
-Operation Solstice 
 Operation Impact Operation Impact
 Requirments: Requirments:
 *3million SP *3million SP
 *Must be specced *Must be specced
 *Microphone *Microphone
 *Must be active *Must be active
 *Willing to fight *Willing to fight
 *Must give limited API *Must give limited API
 What we offer: What we offer:
 *Access to 0.0 rats *Access to 0.0 rats
 *Access to Pewpew *Access to Pewpew
 *Large fleet fights *Large fleet fights
 *Teamwork *Teamwork
 *Helpfulness *Helpfulness
 *And much more. *And much more.
 Contact Zelot Blueice or MainDeity for more info. Contact Zelot Blueice or MainDeity for more info.
 Public Channel: Public Channel:
 Diplos: Zelot Blueice, MainDeity Diplos: Zelot Blueice, MainDeity
 Disclaimer: We are not responsible for ISK lost, running out of beer and/or cookies or the loss of all your ships/implants. By joining CDA you agree to die in the name of fun and commit yourself to excellence. Disclaimer: We are not responsible for ISK lost, running out of beer and/or cookies or the loss of all your ships/implants. By joining CDA you agree to die in the name of fun and commit yourself to excellence.

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Resources 2010-08-04 22:19:16 Corporation Description
Alliance OWN Alliance Member 0
Corporation Colonial Defense Agency Member 0
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