Corporation - Description - 2010-08-07 06:22:46 - Live Ticker



Old New
 There once was an elite corp of PvP'ers so fearsome and deadly that they ruled the galaxy for hundreds of days. This is not that corp. There once was an elite corp of PvP'ers so fearsome and deadly that they ruled the galaxy for hundreds of days. This is not that corp.
-And then there came Mr. Majestic! 
 For diplomatic contacts contact Sephrin or Mifff For diplomatic contacts contact Sephrin or Mifff
 Join "The Zombie Lounge" for more informattion. Join "The Zombie Lounge" for more informattion.

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Resources 2010-08-07 06:22:46 Corporation Description
Alliance OWN Alliance Member 0
Corporation Zombicidal Mania Member 19
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