Corporation - Description - 2020-07-18 21:00:12 - Live Ticker



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 From the light we ran away From the light we ran away
 and the dark we embrace and the dark we embrace
 now from the darkness we come now from the darkness we come
 with tainted souls to hunt you all. with tainted souls to hunt you all.
 we build machines of terror we build machines of terror
 and they lead the way and they lead the way
 so our brothers and sisters so our brothers and sisters
 stay, in safer space stay, in safer space
 and one day our bothres and sisters and one day our bothres and sisters
 will grow the seed will grow the seed
 a seed in the heart of our enemies a seed in the heart of our enemies
 the seed of horror the seed of horror
 Hate and rage can save Hate and rage can save
 but in the light they have no place. but in the light they have no place.
 From the light we ran away From the light we ran away
-and teh dark we embrace +and the dark we embrace...
 Steele Industrial Tech, industries of war. Steele Industrial Tech, industries of war.

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Resources 2020-07-18 21:00:12 Corporation Description
Corporation Steele Industrial Technology Member 4
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