Corporation - Description - 2020-08-11 21:29:51 - Live Ticker



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 +Farmers Union Iced Coffee was first launched commercially in 1977, but was originally discovered years before by a bunch of blokes at the Farmers Union Cooperative dairy, who were creating a special recipe for the Royal Adelaide show.
 +Farmers Union Iced Coffee is proud of its heritage and has reached legendary, iconic status in South Australia. But the word has definitely spread since then. Our reputation of smooth tasting iced coffee and our no nonsense approach to life, has led to the growth of Farmers Union nationally, but SA remains our true heartland.
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 +Delicious in taste, Farmers Union Iced Coffee is made with real Robusta coffee beans and reduced fat milk, available in a variety of pack sizes. It has become part of the daily routine for many, who enjoy it to start the day, at smoko with workmates or at lunch time to get through the rest of the day.

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Resources 2020-08-11 21:29:51 Corporation Description
Alliance League 0f Grumpy 0ld Farts Member 42
Corporation Farmers Union Iced Coffee Member 193
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