Corporation - Description - 2010-08-22 22:40:19 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Freelance / Mercenary for Hire Freelance / Mercenary for Hire
 Elite Special Forces [ESFS] Elite Special Forces [ESFS]
--PvP focused +-PvP focused (Piracy / War Decs)
 -Wormholes -Wormholes
 -Exploration -Exploration
 -Missions -Missions
 -Stuff... -Stuff...
 Join Channel "ESF Pub" Join Channel "ESF Pub"
 or Convo CEO (Silvia Kron) or Recruitment Officer (N/A) or Convo CEO (Silvia Kron) or Recruitment Officer (N/A)
 Recruitment is open to the following: Recruitment is open to the following:
 -Characters over 21 days old (extended trial period) -Characters over 21 days old (extended trial period)
 -Limited API & API ID Required. -Limited API & API ID Required.
 -Have spoken to a recruiter (unknown applications will be declined) -Have spoken to a recruiter (unknown applications will be declined)
 "If I Die, You are forgiven. If I Live, I will kill you." "If I Die, You are forgiven. If I Live, I will kill you."
 Such is the rule of honour.  Such is the rule of honour.
 - Lamb of God, Omerta - Lamb of God, Omerta

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Resources 2010-08-22 22:40:19 Corporation Description
Alliance Society of War Member 0
Corporation Elite Special Forces Member 0
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