Corporation - Description - 2010-08-22 22:40:24 - Live Ticker



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-So dirty... but we have the solution.+Keeping dirty pilots busy cleaning New Eden one pod at a time.
-Cleaning New Eden one pod at a time.+---
 +[SOAPY] is a newly formed corp that is organizing with an incredibly experienced alliance to provide a barebones forum for solid PvP action. A grand experiment to get away from the dullness of larger scale Alliance squabbles and to find solid exhilaration in the core ideas of PvP.
 +Robert Frost said, "I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
 +We invite experienced and semi-experienced pilots alike to help us with our efforts to take a road less traveled.
-(*)- Mature Pilots. 
-(*)- Must be social. 
-(*)- All timezones acceptable. 
-(*)- Combat focused. 
-(*)- Vent and Mic Recommended.+**SOAPY IS CURRENTLY RECRUITING**
-(*)- 3mil sp min.  
 +Basic Requirements:
 +- Mature Pilots. (18+ Preferred)
 +- Socially capable players with killer personalities.
 +- Willingness & patience to get in on the ground level & help us grow.
 +- Motivated and experienced players looking for a new challenge.
 +- Self-starter and self-sustainable.
 +- All timezones acceptable.
-Join "SOAPY!" for details.+- Combat focused.
 +- Vent and Mic Recommended.
 +- 3mil skill point minimum.
 +- Short in channel interview and API information.
 +Not Required but wanted:
 +- PVP pilots looking to help a startup enterprise.
 +- FC experience.
 +- Logistics, E-Warfare pilots.
 +Join channel "SOAPY!" to get naughty NOW!

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Resources 2010-08-22 22:40:24 Corporation Description
Alliance Red Skull Society Member 0
Corporation Bath and Body Works Member 3
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
API J:27 Mar 11:50 K:27 Mar 11:55 C:27 Mar 12:29 A:27 Mar 12:30 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 12:28 S:27 Mar 11:51 W:27 Mar 12:15