Corporation - Description - 2010-08-25 14:24:13 - Live Ticker



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 We welcome all newcomers to our corp. Part of our main emphasis is on training those new to EVE. Whether you're a seasoned veteran on EVE, or just a newbie, we'll help you mold your skill set to make you better at what interests you. We welcome all newcomers to our corp. Part of our main emphasis is on training those new to EVE. Whether you're a seasoned veteran on EVE, or just a newbie, we'll help you mold your skill set to make you better at what interests you.
 We would also like to put a secondary emphasis on female player involvement. The more the merrier. We would also like to put a secondary emphasis on female player involvement. The more the merrier.
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 The main goal of the corp: to have fun. Everything else comes secondary. If you're not having fun, we're not doing our jobs right. The main goal of the corp: to have fun. Everything else comes secondary. If you're not having fun, we're not doing our jobs right.
 PvP and missioning are our main focuses. We do, however, welcome diversity, so other interests are allowed and encouraged. PvP and missioning are our main focuses. We do, however, welcome diversity, so other interests are allowed and encouraged.
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 Bitches Harlequin is part of a great Confederation of training corps.  Bitches Harlequin is part of a great Confederation of training corps.
-The corps we are affiliated with include: Coalition of Protean Warriors (our parent corp), Protean IX, and Space Spuds. +The corps we are affiliated with include: Coalition of Protean Warriors (our parent corp), and Protean IX, Among others.
 Any of these corps will be more than happy to help you, if I or another BH member is not online. Any of these corps will be more than happy to help you, if I or another BH member is not online.

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Resources 2010-08-25 14:24:13 Corporation Description
Alliance Confederacy of Protean Warriors Member 0
Corporation The Bitches Harlequin Member 4
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