Corporation - Description - 2010-09-05 22:27:55 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Recruiting Status: Closed 
-Currently in a training rotation.+Fortuna Favit Fortibus
-We are a high speed, low drag outfit running raids into lowsec space to hunt, so the feint of heart need not apply. Our HQ is located in a shithole of a dive called, "The Drunken Podder" in Ibani. To join, you must be able to provide your own ships and equipment, handle yourself in a fight, drink two gallons of Gallente stout while singing "You Broke My Heart, so I Broke Your Arm", and screw every Matari bar wench with no teeth to satisfaction. If you have any questions, just drop Mortis vonShadow an evemail.  
-Once recruiting opens up, we will be looking for the following: 
-Fmr Khanid Navy Personnel, Militia Pilots of Khanid blood, Adrenaline Junkies, Drunks, Brawlers, Haters, Griefers, Hethens, Miscreants, Pirates, and general ne'er do wells. You must be of Khanid blood and can fly a Tech II ship. 

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Resources 2010-09-05 22:27:55 Corporation Description
Corporation The BlackHill Gang Member 0
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