Corporation - Description - 2010-09-06 06:23:58 - Live Ticker



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-We are an all around corp that is a member of the lucian alliance. We love having fun and playing the game. +We are an all around corp that is a member of the Lucian Alliance. We love having fun and playing the game.
 +Friendly alliance members. Mine, run missions, pvp can be done with us or anyone else in the alliance.
 +Public Channel: Omega IS
 Recruitment status: Recruitment status:
-Mission Runners: Open 
 Miners: Open Miners: Open
 Ship Builders: High Demand Ship Builders: High Demand
 Anything else you can think of: Probably Open Anything else you can think of: Probably Open
 Insurance: If you lose a ship in combat, or just need a ship we may be able to supply it to our members. Insurance: If you lose a ship in combat, or just need a ship we may be able to supply it to our members.
 Requirements: Requirements:
-Can use TeamSpeak +Use TeamSpeak
 API Key API Key

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Resources 2010-09-06 06:23:58 Corporation Description
Alliance x Lucian Alliance x Member 0
Corporation Omega Industrial Supply Member 11
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