Corporation - Description - 2010-09-15 06:28:43 - Live Ticker



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 "there is a space between Galaxys, a dark lonely space, a space filled with nothing but blackness and the occasional star. that space is called the Void, and we are its children. born there with the desire to expand to distant stars but being incapable of doing so. trapped there we waited, waited and our thirst to expand, to conquer, to build grew greater and greater... now that waiting is done and it is time for us to set out amongst the stars to do that witch we have dreamed of doing. building, conquering, expanding is our birth right, for we are the children of the void" "there is a space between Galaxys, a dark lonely space, a space filled with nothing but blackness and the occasional star. that space is called the Void, and we are its children. born there with the desire to expand to distant stars but being incapable of doing so. trapped there we waited, waited and our thirst to expand, to conquer, to build grew greater and greater... now that waiting is done and it is time for us to set out amongst the stars to do that witch we have dreamed of doing. building, conquering, expanding is our birth right, for we are the children of the void"
 Recruitment: open Recruitment: open
 PvPing. PvPing.
 missioning. missioning.
 industry. industry.
 0.0 roams. 0.0 roams.
 yarring. yarring.
 growling. growling.
 occasionally kicking a chicken. occasionally kicking a chicken.
 having a fun time. having a fun time.
 not getting pissed when we lose a ship. not getting pissed when we lose a ship.
 we do it all.  we do it all.
 what are the goals of this corp you may ask?  what are the goals of this corp you may ask?
 why its simple, pvping till we pass out, mission till we got to much isk and not enough ships, build till we got to much in our assets, and did i mention pvp? oh yah i did.  why its simple, pvping till we pass out, mission till we got to much isk and not enough ships, build till we got to much in our assets, and did i mention pvp? oh yah i did.
 care to fly with us? care to fly with us?
 then contact: Sovereign Nightowl then contact: Sovereign Nightowl
 or join the public/recruit channel: -COTV- pub or join the public/recruit channel: -COTV- pub
 no sp limit, but trial accounts are forbidin in here no sp limit, but trial accounts are forbidin in here

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Resources 2010-09-15 06:28:43 Corporation Description
Corporation Children of the Void Member 3
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