Corporation - Description - 2010-09-24 22:34:19 - Live Ticker



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 Hello, Hello,
 +Universal Independence
 +About Universal Independence
 Universal Independence is now a fully established corporation that is looking to grow massively in size and strength over a very short amount of time. The CEO is a very experienced player in the PvP field with a good 5 years of EVE experience behind him. I am a very kind but strict player in EVE therefor I expect all my members to be mature and thoughtful of everyone els in the corp. We are part of OWN Alliance in which has 0.0 space with four systems which two have stations, there is about 1700 members in the alliance today. Universal Independence is now a fully established corporation that is looking to grow massively in size and strength over a very short amount of time. The CEO is a very experienced player in the PvP field with a good 5 years of EVE experience behind him. I am a very kind but strict player in EVE therefor I expect all my members to be mature and thoughtful of everyone els in the corp. We are part of OWN Alliance in which has 0.0 space with four systems which two have stations, there is about 1700 members in the alliance today.
-Universal Independence is a strict corp in getting the job done and making sure our members stay alive as much as possible. We have very organized fleets in which will have all the key support units when ever possible to ensure the safety of everyone. This corporation was created on the basis of trying to become the most powerful corp and soon alliance known in EVE to take the top ranks. We have big plans for the corp in which I want to share with every member possible that shows they care about and are willing to help the corp.+The corporation has two sectors in which we operate, The PvP Sector and the Industrial Sector. The PvP Sector is the main part of the corporation and is run by Xerek, the Industrial Sector is run by Potions which offers many industrial benefits which are not offered in many other places.
 +Welcome to the PvP Sector
 +Universal Independence is a strict corp in getting the job done and making sure our members stay alive as much as possible. We have very organized fleets in which will have all the key support units when ever possible to ensure the safety of everyone. This corporation was created on the basis of trying to become the most powerful corp and soon alliance known in EVE to take the top ranks. We have big plans for the corp in which I want to share with every member possible that shows they care about and are willing to help the corp. We run fleets on a daily basis ranging from within the corporation or within the Northern Coalition and have very much fun destroying what is in our path.
-What we offer +What We Offer
 -Mature players to become friends with and rely on. -Mature players to become friends with and rely on.
 -Experienced leaders who know how to survive in pvp. -Experienced leaders who know how to survive in pvp.
 -24-7 PvP opportunities. -24-7 PvP opportunities.
 -lessons which will make you excel in pvp. -lessons which will make you excel in pvp.
 -Organized fleet battles. -Organized fleet battles.
--0.0 Sov space, Station acess. +-0.0 Sov space, Station access.
 -Access to all Northern Coalition public assets. -Access to all Northern Coalition public assets.
 -All of what 0.0 has to offer. -All of what 0.0 has to offer.
--Jump Freighter service running run Jita to our home space. +-Jump Freighter service running from Jita to our home space.
 -A amazing market in our home station -A amazing market in our home station
 -Blue to all of the Northern Coalition -Blue to all of the Northern Coalition
-What you must offer+What You Must Offer
--Must have over 15mill sp in PvP +-Must have over 10mill sp in PvP
 -Players must have a microphone and speakers. -Players must have a microphone and speakers.
 -Must be mature. -Must be mature.
 -Must be willing to enjoy their time in EVE. -Must be willing to enjoy their time in EVE.
 +Welcome to the Industrial Sector
 +Universal Independence has taken up a new concept in which we have decided to form a industrial sector to the corporation. I have recruited a corporation willing to merge and take command of all things having to do with industry within. The manager of the Industrial Sector is named “Potions”, he deals anything to do with industry. We provide a POS in which you can construct anything you need built also we have a Orca that will be sitting in the POS all day holding an open fleet with great bonuses. The system in which we will be mining in has a minmatar refinery outpost which only a 5% tax on it.
 +What We Offer
 +-Mature players to become friends with and rely on.
 +-Experienced leaders who know how to run mining and production operations.
 +-24-7 Mining opportunities.
 +-A construction POS for all corp member use.
 +-Organized mining operations.
 +-0.0 Sov Space, Station access.
 +-Minmatar refining outpost (5% tax).
 +-Access to all Northern Coalition public assets.
 +-Jump Freighter service running from Jita to our home space.
 +-A amazing market in our home station.
 +-All of what 0.0 has to offer.
 +-Blue the all the Northern Coalition.
 +What You Must Offer
 +-Must have over 10mill sp in PvP
 +-Players must have a microphone and speakers.
 +-Must be mature.
 +-Must be willing to enjoy their time in EVE.
 If you have any questions please feel free to convo or EVE mail me. If you have any questions please feel free to convo or EVE mail me.
-Xerek-CEO +Xerek...

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Resources 2010-09-24 22:34:19 Corporation Description
Alliance OWN Alliance Member 0
Corporation Universal Independence Member 1
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