Corporation - Description - 2020-11-22 21:13:12 - Live Ticker



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 Starshadow Corporation Starshadow Corporation
 Doing Business since June 2004! Doing Business since June 2004!
-We are a privately held corporation, focusing on market operations and transportation. Our corporation provides third party sales services using our extensive sales skills and agents in all major hub systems. If you need something buying, we can get it. If you need it selling, we'll get it sold. Other market operations are also available. We have manipulated market prices both up and down across the universe. +We are a privately held corporation, focusing on market operations and transportation. Our corporation provides third party sales services using our extensive sales skills and agents in all major hub systems. If you need something buying, we'll get it bought. If you need it selling, we'll get it sold. If you need something moved, we'll get it moved. Other market operations are also available. We have manipulated market prices both up and down across the universe.
-Contact: Lianne Le'Few 

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Resources 2020-11-22 21:13:12 Corporation Description
Corporation Starshadow Corporation Member 17
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