Corporation - Description - 2010-09-26 06:31:12 - Live Ticker



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-We are a corporation with many interests, mining, refining, production, trade, commerce, moon harvesting, wormhole detection and exploration, and pve to name a few. We are always on the look out for good pilots who are experienced in any of these fields, and that have a minimum of 1.5Mil skill points. We offer our pilots a ship suppliment scheme after a 14 day period. If you are interested in joining us contact our Recruitment and Mining Director: +We are a corporation with many interests, mining, refining, production, trade, commerce, moon harvesting, wormhole detection and exploration, and pvp to name a few. We are always on the look out for good pilots who are experienced in any of these fields, and that have a minimum of 1.5Mil skill points. We offer our pilots a ship suppliment scheme after a 14 day period. If you are interested in joining us contact our Recruitment and Mining Director:
 Azaari Azaari
 We also offer contracts to individuals/corporations on the following: We also offer contracts to individuals/corporations on the following:
 Ores/Minerals Ores/Minerals
 Wormhole Detection/Population Wormhole Detection/Population
 Trade/Commerce Trade/Commerce
 Minor Hauling Minor Hauling
 Production Production
 For enquiries on the above contact our CEO and Diplomat For enquiries on the above contact our CEO and Diplomat
 MrJustice Littlewig MrJustice Littlewig
 +We are also very pleased to have incoporated the Warriors of Anasazi. For all PvP related discussions including apllications to join contact:

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Resources 2010-09-26 06:31:12 Corporation Description
Alliance Opprimo Vox Member 0
Corporation Four Arms of Anasazi Member 0
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