Corporation - Description - 2010-10-03 22:27:04 - Live Ticker



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 The Republican Navy is a multifaceted corporation, which is goal orientated and has ambitions to become a significant force within the world of Eve.  The Republican Navy is a multifaceted corporation, which is goal orientated and has ambitions to become a significant force within the world of Eve.
 For the purposes of expanding our ranks and training new pilots, we intend for the immediate future to remain neutral. But a time will come when we will shed our high sec shackles and venture out into the darkness of low and null sec, and try and make a name for ourselves. For the purposes of expanding our ranks and training new pilots, we intend for the immediate future to remain neutral. But a time will come when we will shed our high sec shackles and venture out into the darkness of low and null sec, and try and make a name for ourselves.
 The corp is divided into 3 separate specialized Fleets(Alpha, Beta and Gamma), each of which will tailor for all player career types. And each pilot will be assigned a rank which will be a representation of their service, loyalty and ability. The corp is divided into 3 separate specialized Fleets(Alpha, Beta and Gamma), each of which will tailor for all player career types. And each pilot will be assigned a rank which will be a representation of their service, loyalty and ability.
 We employ a corporate tax rate of 5%, and all ISK generated will be reinvested back into the corp for programs for our rookies such as ship replacement, free ammo/mods, free skill books etc... We employ a corporate tax rate of 5%, and all ISK generated will be reinvested back into the corp for programs for our rookies such as ship replacement, free ammo/mods, free skill books etc...
-If your interested in joining then please have a look at our recruitment page, and please feel free to join our in game public channel, Republican Public which is used as a voice channel so don't be afraid to join audio. +If your interested in joining then please have a look at our recruitment page, and please feel free to join our in game public channel, "The Republic in Public"
-If you have other business with us then please contact either Marcus Wilde or Captain Ruger.+Shania L'Monde

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Resources 2010-10-03 22:27:04 Corporation Description
Corporation The Republican Navy Member 11
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