Corporation - Description - 2010-10-18 06:30:37 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +An aspiring Corp with its foundation in industry and mining. Looking for pilots who want to be in a corporation that gives back to its members.
 +1. Facilitate access of all aspects of the EVE experience to its members.
 +2. Provide a strong financial backing for itself and its members in order to maximize opportunity and hasten achievement of goals.
 +3. Offer knowledge, experience and aid to rookie pilots for the purpose of encouraging them to continue a career in New Eden with us.
 +4. Aid and strengthen the Grim Enterprises Alliance
 +1. Maintain our P.O.S. within the alliance controlled Class 3 wormhole.
 +2. Become financially self-sustaining through collaborated inter-corporate operations--Membership Benefits-
 +1. Monthly Profit Sharing: All active members receive a paycheck derived from 25% of the corp’s net profit for the month.
 +2. Corporate Hangers: Items available to members through the corporate hangers at our offices. Limited access even given to new hires.
 +3. Corporate Expense Account: Access granted to corporate petty cash account for personal use to ranking members.
 +4. Alliance Membership: This gives members security and access to many other pilots to work with.
 +-Current Employment Opportunities-
 +1. We are in need of miners of any experience level.
 +2. Logistics
 +3. PvP Pilots
-Miners and PVPers+4. Mission Runners
 +Contact for details Mobiusoneffxi, or join "Sol Vanguard" channel or click the "Apply to Join" button now.
 +*Limited API Key is requested before members can be promoted.

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Resources 2010-10-18 06:30:37 Corporation Description
Alliance Grim Enterprises Member 0
Corporation Sol Vanguard Member 1
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