Corporation - Description - 2010-10-22 06:38:29 - Live Ticker



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 Creative Winning I.N.C. Creative Winning I.N.C.
 It's Not Cheating It's Not Cheating
 We the Corporation of EVE, in Order to form a more perfect Union, We the Corporation of EVE, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
 establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
 defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
 ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Corporation for the ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Corporation for the
 players. players.
-Creative Winning I.N.C. looks at every aspect of EVE from PvE to Null-Sec with what direction the corporation should follow. Taking this into account Creative Winning I.N.C. Decided We don't promote piracy or ganking of any kind. 
 Creative Winning I.N.C. Is a U.S.A. Corporation: Creative Winning I.N.C. Is a U.S.A. Corporation:
 Main Timezone: Pacific Standard Main Timezone: Pacific Standard
 Secondary Timezone: Central Standard Secondary Timezone: Central Standard
 Recruiting is Open: Recruiting is Open:
 We are looking for new and experienced player's to help build Creative Winning into a worthy corporation in EVE. We are looking for new and experienced player's to help build Creative Winning into a worthy corporation in EVE.
 Recruitment Officers: Recruitment Officers:
 Kretall Kretall
 Erkanwulf Erkanwulf
 We are searching for active & mature pilots in All: We are searching for active & mature pilots in All:
-~Miners (High sec) 
-~Fighters (PvE/Missioner/WH)+~Miners ~PvE ~PvP
-~Industrialists (Manufacturing/Research) +~Industrialists
 We offer: We offer:
 ~Ventrilo server access. ~Ventrilo server access.
 ~Access to level 4, and 5 missions. ~Access to level 4, and 5 missions.
 ~Mining/Research/Planetary support. ~Mining/Research/Planetary support.
-~Wormhole Operation (Coming Soon). 
 ~Low-Sec Operation (Coming Soon). ~Low-Sec Operation (Coming Soon).
 ~Mission salvaging logistics and support. ~Mission salvaging logistics and support.
-~Noob Training/Fitting Assistance. +~Training/Fitting Assistance.
 For membership: For membership:
 ~Active (Play 3-4 Days a Week/negotiable). ~Active (Play 3-4 Days a Week/negotiable).
 ~5 mil Skill point (negotiable). ~5 mil Skill point (negotiable).
 ~You must be mature, social,and respectful. ~You must be mature, social,and respectful.
 ~Willingness/Self-motivated to learn and work as a team. ~Willingness/Self-motivated to learn and work as a team.
 ~Willing to contribute to Corporations needs. ~Willing to contribute to Corporations needs.
 ~Tolerance of humor and jokes. ~Tolerance of humor and jokes.
 Please contact Creative Winning I.N.C. with questions or suggestions. Please contact Creative Winning I.N.C. with questions or suggestions.
 Note: All new members are placed in a training rank for a minimum of 30days. Note: All new members are placed in a training rank for a minimum of 30days.

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Resources 2010-10-22 06:38:29 Corporation Description
Alliance Sanctimony of Bellum Member 0
Corporation Creative Winning I.N.C. Member 1
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