Corporation - Description - 2010-10-29 22:31:19 - Live Ticker



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 A woman once said that a man is like a deck of playing cards... you need:  A woman once said that a man is like a deck of playing cards... you need:
 A heart to love him,  A heart to love him,
 A diamond to marry him,  A diamond to marry him,
 A Club to smash his fucking head in, and  A Club to smash his fucking head in, and
 A spade to bury the bastard. A spade to bury the bastard.
 All 1v1s and ransoms are honored by threat of expulsion. All 1v1s and ransoms are honored by threat of expulsion.
 Clubs and Diamonds is recruiting PvP pilots for low sec and Industrial pilots for high sec/WHs; those interested should view our recruitment thread and join our public channel.  Clubs and Diamonds is recruiting PvP pilots for low sec and Industrial pilots for high sec/WHs; those interested should view our recruitment thread and join our public channel.
 Corporate Contacts: Corporate Contacts:
 Director of US Recruitment: Nazol Abara Director of US Recruitment: Nazol Abara
 Director of EU Recruitment: Siorix Director of EU Recruitment: Siorix
-Director of Industry: Little Roo 
 CEO/Head Diplomat: Vonlin CEO/Head Diplomat: Vonlin
 Vice-CEO/Diplomat: Mazer Vice-CEO/Diplomat: Mazer
 Feel free to join our public channel "CLADI Cigar Lounge". Feel free to join our public channel "CLADI Cigar Lounge".
 "I ain't afraid of no ghosts." "I ain't afraid of no ghosts."

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Resources 2010-10-29 22:31:19 Corporation Description
Alliance Ka'ge Kumi Member 0
Corporation Clubs and Diamonds Member 19
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