Corporation - Description - 2010-11-07 22:26:57 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Galactic Loyalists is a newly formed corp full of helpful and loyal members. Galactic Loyalists is a newly formed corp full of helpful and loyal members.
 We place fun over obligations and every member is allowed to say any suggestions and opinions. We place fun over obligations and every member is allowed to say any suggestions and opinions.
 Its free to join corp-operations, who wants to fly alone may fly on his own. Its free to join corp-operations, who wants to fly alone may fly on his own.
-We help new players just as experienced ones, so feel free to ask. 
-We do: 
-* Plenty of PvP action 
-* Inter-corp Tournaments with prizes 
-* mining operations (high and low sec)+We are primarily a pvp corp in both high and low sec, but we do dable in a bit of everything :)
-* mission running (up to lvl 5) 
-* Low sec POS 
 Future goals Future goals
 * Operate in secured 0.0 space * Operate in secured 0.0 space
 * Large scale sustained profit, both personal and corporate * Large scale sustained profit, both personal and corporate
 Requirments: Requirments:
 Willing to have a laugh Willing to have a laugh
 Must be a little nuts! Must be a little nuts!
 If you want to be a member of our small family feel free to join our ingame channel GAL PUB If you want to be a member of our small family feel free to join our ingame channel GAL PUB
-or talk to Chandaris, Endocott or Razor6969. +or talk to Chandaris, Endocott or Razor6969

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Resources 2010-11-07 22:26:57 Corporation Description
Alliance Sanctimony of Bellum Member 0
Corporation Galactic Loyalists Member 0
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