Corporation - Description - 2010-11-21 06:30:24 - Live Ticker



Old New
 US based corp, u want in talk to Max,  US based corp, u want in talk to Max,
 Public channel: BloodAngel Cartel  Public channel: BloodAngel Cartel
 in the public channel respect those here. disrespect = banned. in the public channel respect those here. disrespect = banned.
 What we offer: What we offer:
 -00 living -00 living
 -caldari lvl 4/5s, Amarr 4s -caldari lvl 4/5s, Amarr 4s
 -Indy focued/pvper seasoned corp -Indy focued/pvper seasoned corp
 -Ship Program -Ship Program
--Teamwork 3+-Teamspeak 3
 -Killboard -Killboard
 -forums -forums
 -corp buys ur minerals -corp buys ur minerals
 -Group Ops -Group Ops
 What we look for in our pilots: What we look for in our pilots:
 -IRL age 18+ -IRL age 18+
 -Respect, jokes are wanted, disrespect isnt -Respect, jokes are wanted, disrespect isnt
 -honesty, be upfront gets u farther -honesty, be upfront gets u farther
 -have fun, this is a game  -have fun, this is a game
 If ur here to to talk about joining a few things up front: If ur here to to talk about joining a few things up front:
 1) RL then gaming, we all have families and RLs, so np is ur not around for a day or 2 for RL just let us know if ur going to be more then a few days. 1) RL then gaming, we all have families and RLs, so np is ur not around for a day or 2 for RL just let us know if ur going to be more then a few days.
 2) We doing indy mainly. pvp roams for some good old fun and to change things up alittle. building markets and selling ships to low sec pirate corps is what we do.  2) We doing indy mainly. pvp roams for some good old fun and to change things up alittle. building markets and selling ships to low sec pirate corps is what we do.
 3) If this corp isnt what ur looking for np, got to find what works for u. 3) If this corp isnt what ur looking for np, got to find what works for u.

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Resources 2010-11-21 06:30:24 Corporation Description
Alliance Vidarian Legion Member 0
Corporation Bloodangel Cartel Member 0
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