Corporation - Description - 2010-11-26 06:20:51 - Live Ticker



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-When all else fails, ZOMG is there to fail with you! 
 We are currently recruiting! Submit application to join, or start a conversation with VellyX for details! We are currently recruiting! Submit application to join, or start a conversation with VellyX for details!
 Requirements for Application Requirements for Application
 - You should be able to read. - You should be able to read.
 - You should have at least 1 skill point. - You should have at least 1 skill point.
 - You should be intereactive, and wanting to be in a corporation. - You should be intereactive, and wanting to be in a corporation.
 - You should be able to get serious when it is needed. - You should be able to get serious when it is needed.
 - You should be able to provide, and request assistance. - You should be able to provide, and request assistance.
 - You should be a newbie, a veteran, or a casual player. - You should be a newbie, a veteran, or a casual player.
 - You should be able to "get" a joke when it comes at you. - You should be able to "get" a joke when it comes at you.
 - You should understand that reading this is just a waste of your time. - You should understand that reading this is just a waste of your time.

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Resources 2010-11-26 06:20:51 Corporation Description
Corporation ZOMG Corp. Member 0
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